Streamline Employee Transitions
Without Compromising Security

Safeguard your organization's sensitive data by automating the onboarding and offboarding process. Eliminate manual errors and ensure a secure, efficient transition for every employee.


of ex-employees still have access to former company systems


of companies have not implemented a formal offboarding process


of companies have had security breaches linked to former employees
THe Problem

Security Risks in Employee Transitions

Managing the onboarding and offboarding of employees is fraught with challenges that can compromise your organization's security. Key issues include:-
Complexity in setting up and revoking employee access.
Manual tasks are prone to human error.
Uncertainty in ensuring ex-employees lose system access.
Immediate security risks if access isn't promptly revoked.

Automated Provisioning Through Active Directory

Our integration with SCIM 2.0 allows for seamless syncing with your Active Directory. This ensures that changes in employee status are automatically reflected in Uniqkey, effectively managing their access permissions.-
Directly syncs user and group structures from AD to Uniqkey.
Automates the onboarding and offboarding process.
Provisions users automatically, reducing manual work.
Compatible with Azure AD through SCIM 2.0 integration.
The reason why we ended up with Uniqkey, was because of the high level of security on their platforms. In particular, it was their offline encryption of our passwords and data combined with their location in Denmark and within Europe that provided us with the necessary security and compliance we needed.
Kristoffer Munch,
Head of IT
Bornholms Energy & Supply

Simple, Secure
Onboarding & Offboarding

Automate the onboarding and offboarding process to eliminate manual errors and make transitions quick and efficient.

Instantly remove access rights for employees who leave, preventing ex-staff from accessing company systems after departure.

Automate user account creation and permission settings, reducing the time it takes for new employees to get up and running.

Simplify audits and reduce risks. Automated processes make it easier to demonstrate compliance.


Learn About

2 Factor Authentication
Automate Two Factor Authentication Process With 2FA Autofill
As you probably know, two-factor authentication (2FA) is a powerful security measure that strengthens your login security by requiring that you provide a second piece of information, like a security code, along with usual login details. According to Microsoft, this extra step prevents up to 99.9% of the most common account attacks.
2 Factor Authentication
2-Factor Authentication (2FA): Understanding Its 4 Different Types
Passwords are not enough to ensure the security of your accounts across various web or app-based services. 41,970,182 records were compromised in March 2023 in 100 publicly disclosed incidents. These records include personally identifiable information as well as user IDs and passwords.
2 Factor Authentication
Difference Between 2FA and MFA and Why Should You Care
Both 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) and MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) are security measures commonly used to provide additional protection to digital accounts and systems. While similar in function, though, these two terms are not the same. Comparing the main difference between MFA and 2FA, which one is more safe and efficient, and what exactly you should implement?
Streamline How You Manage Employee Transitions
Say goodbye to time-consuming admin work during employee transitions. Schedule a demo of Uniqkey today.
We picked Uniqkey because they maximize our login security by making 2FA super easy to handle.
Kent Kirkegaard
Head of IT at Caljan