Uniqkey For

The healthcare sector faces immense challenges in maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patient data and essential services. Uniqkey helps meet these needs with features such as:
Offline Data Storage
2FA Autofill
User-friendly Password Management
Centralized Access Management
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Cybersecurity Challenges Facing

The Healthcare Sector

Sensitive Data
Healthcare organizations manage critical patient data that is a prime target for cybercriminals.
Fragmented Systems
The healthcare field uses a mix of systems, making uniform security hard to implement.
Limited Training
Healthcare staff often lack enough cybersecurity training, increasing the risk of errors and breaches.
User-friendly Password Management

Simplify Secure
Access to Critical Systems

Healthcare professionals juggle multiple systems from patient records to lab equipment. Centralize and simplify password management to facilitate smooth, secure operations.
Automatic Logins
Enable fast, automatic logins for all services and systems. Uniqkey auto-fills credentials, preventing lockouts and password resets.
Strong Passwords, Simplified
Generate high-strength passwords effortlessly, contributing to the overall security posture of healthcare institutions.
2FA Autofill

Yet Swift Authentication

In an environment where every second counts, the need for strong security should not compromise efficiency. Automate the 2FA process to both accelerate and secure authentication.
No More 2FA Bottlenecks
Eliminate slowdowns in critical tasks by automating 2FA, allowing your team to focus on patient care.
More Security, More Convenience
Achieve robust security without complicating the login process. A win-win for high-stakes healthcare settings.
The reason why we ended up with Uniqkey, was because of the high level of security on their platforms. In particular, it was their offline encryption of our passwords and data combined with their location in Denmark and within Europe that provided us with the necessary security and compliance we needed.
Kristoffer Munch,
Head of IT
Bornholms Energy & Supply
Centralized Access Management

Streamlined Staff
Onboarding & Offboarding

Human resource fluctuations in healthcare can be frequent and rapid. Easily onboard and offboard staff while maintaining tight access controls.
Flexible Roles and Permissions
Assign and modify access rights based on roles - be it administrative staff, nurses, or doctors.
Automated user provisioning
Get new staff up and running quickly - and remove access from departing staff just as easily. Uniqkey leverages SCIM 2.0 to integrate with Azure AD, streamlining user provisioning processes.
Offline Password Storage

Extra Protection
Against Cyberthreats

Healthcare organizations are frequent ransomware targets. Offline password storage adds an extra security layer against cyberattacks, not offered by cloud-based solutions.
Protect Critical Access
Unlike cloud-based password managers, Uniqkey stores passwords offline on each user's device, making them inaccessible to remote cyberthreats.
Uninterrupted Access During Downtime
Keep vital credentials accessible even during network downtimes, ensuring you can continue to provide patient care.

Top Healthcare Institutions
Choose Uniqkey

You Can Count On

Zero-knowledge Infrastructure
Built on a zero-knowledge infrastructure, only you have access to your encrypted data.
Military Grade Encryption
Uniqkey secures data at rest and in transit using military-grade AES-256 and Argon2ID encryption.
100% GDPR Compliant
Hosted and operated in Denmark, Uniqkey complies with EU’s stringent data security regulations, including GDPR.

Support You Won’t Get Anywhere Else

Because serving you is our highest priority.
Avg. response time
21 min
Most providers struggle to reply within 48-72 hours.
Avg. response time
21 min
Most providers struggle to reply within 48-72 hours.
Make 2FA Frictionless Today
Ready to transform 2FA from a chore into a seamless part of your employees’ every day? Schedule a demo of Uniqkey today.
We picked Uniqkey because they maximize our login security by making 2FA super easy to handle.
Kent Kirkegaard
Head of IT at Caljan